Sunday, March 8, 2015

Round 1 21 Day fix Extreme Done!!

Round 1 is DONE!!!

Why do I love beach body so much? Because they actually help you PROVE to yourself that YOU can do anything you set your mind to and HELP you reach your goals with hard work and sweat. They don't give you a magic pill, but a direction to go for success! They are also so rewarding and give back to their customers tenfold! Why not be part of a business like that!!

So I just finished around one of 21 day fix extreme and I am a proud of my results however I feel like if I would've definitely honed in on my nutrition a lot more my results could've been greater and I could feel a lot more happier. However I do know that what I put into it is what I'm going to get out of it and I did work a a lot I didn't do good on my nutrition but life happens I had a baby shower and I wasn't going to to say no to pizza I just have to learn to make healthier choices my going out to eat and I have it and it's all thanks to 21 day fix I am so proud of myself and how far I've come in learning how to do better for myself. 

-4lbs & -4" all over, more to come round 2! 
As I finish up with round one I do love the workouts and they definitely are extreme and I'm gonna push myself even harder for this round two I'm starting tomorrow and I'm pumped. I have people that have reached out to me because they see me being consistent and focusing on my portion control and getting a workout done each day and I like how do you do it and I'm like I planet in as if I planned anything else in and 30 minutes of my day is nothing it is nothing and you can do it too!

So I kind about my P90X three on the back burner and I'm kind of sad because I love love love P90X three it is an amazing program and my muscles are definitely starting to show I did a tiny tiny tiny pull up where I jumped up in my chin up to the bar and I'm so proud of myself for that little progress. Any kind of progress is progress and you need to enjoy those little Tryan and it just keep going ahead keep focusing forward and don't look back because you're not going backwards it going forward. So I thought around two tomorrow Monday, March 19 I am going to kick it into gear and to get P90X three Brolley my month to as I've kind of falling off that and I'm going to take it to town for the next 21 days I'm not giving and I know I can do this and I have a lot of friends that will hold me accountable to this so here's to the next 21 days!!
Do you want to join me? Do you have what it takes? I know you do! Message me for more details about how to get started on this awesome 21 days till your new body and healthier lifestyle!

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