Saturday, February 21, 2015

Taking it to the Extreme

Week 1 of 21 day fix Extreme! 

This week has been awesome, hard, but awesome! I tested out a few of the workouts last week and lets just say Holy buckets, I was in for a whirlwind of butt kicking. But guess what I LOVE IT! I am on day 5 today and did my Cardio Fix extreme this morning. I have really enjoyed my morning workouts and how it gets me prepared for the day. Monday and Wednesday, tonight and tomorrow I will be doing my P90x3 workouts too. With Zumba Mon-Wed and volleyball I was a little exhausted adding in X3, so I scaled back a bit. I don’t want to quit it because it continues to challenge me and I AM GOING to do a Pull up! 

21 day fix extreme is the sequel to the original program and it focuses on portion control and how to focus in on your eating. I can workout for a long time and feel good, but if I don’t eat good and FUEL my body I am not going to get the results that I would like. My goal is to do my meal plan for the 1st round of this program and then make sure that I plan ahead for next 2 weeks. I have been doing good this week, but forgot that Wednesday and Friday were no meat days and had to readjust my meal plan for that purpose, but chose Vegetarian Burrito bowls to fill that up and fish! I'll get more into the workouts in next post, so stay tuned!

Fish Fry Season is Here!

Today being Friday that makes it a FISH day! I will probably go to a fish fry one Friday, but will be A-OK with it because I will just eat fish inside and not the batter part. I know it’s not ideal, but that way I can still keep mostly on track and still be social. :) I don’t go out to eat often anyways, so when I can think of a way to go and maintain the healthy eating I do! Don’t give up everything! Biggest thing I have learned while doing this program is how to manage my eating when going out. Not everything is perfect, but way better than before and I listen to my body rather than just feed feed feed when I don't need to. 

Here's to the weekend. My plans are pretty simple. Bartending on Saturday night and meal prep Sunday. What are you doing this weekend? What meals will you prepare for week ahead?

If you are ready to get started with this bomb workout and meal plan visit here or message me ( for details!!

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