Sunday, February 15, 2015

Where did the time go?!

So I'm very sorry for not doing last week it was a crazy week with parent teacher conference is and I totally spaced out so here is my recap for week three and week four.

Week 4

So because of parent-teacher conferences I was at school from 730 to 8 at night I honestly did not get my workout done besides yoga Wednesday morning and Thursday I didn't work out so I'm a little bit behind so I'm gonna redo week 4 for for P90X3. 

I just can't get over this program though I really really love it and I can see I am getting biceps I am getting muscles hooray! Shouting off the top of the mountains! And I am so close to a pull up on my own. I can jump up on my bar in almost get my chin up, but I can hold myself a little bit longer than normal so I am going to get there soon within a month hopefully I can do my pull-up. 

It's the little triumphs!

So I've been getting in the routine of doing my workouts in the morning, 5:30am. 21 day fix Extreme came out and I ordered it and I got it two weeks ago, so I am so behind this week because I tested out a few of those exercises and tried to do it with my P90X3 and it wasn't that bad so I was pretty proud of myself.

Crazy schedules

My normal schedule for Mondays and Wednesdays are pretty crazy because I teach Zumba at the local YMCA and now I'm doing Tuesdays also.

5:30am: 21 day fix, then go to school come home workout P90X three go to the Y and do Zumba!

Tuesdays now
Do workouts (should be doing both now) in the morning, home after teaching go to Zumba (4:30-5:15) come home do my P90X workout. I admit the Agility X on Tuesdays has kind of been lacking because I'm tired by the time I get home, so I'll have to do it in the mornings too.

Wednesday is my full day because I get up in the morning I do yoga and go to school which is awesome because yoga makes me feel so good to have the day! Then I come home after teaching an afterschool club till 5 o'clock, go to Zumba (5:30-6:30) go play volleyball after Zumba. So Wednesday's are pretty packed and I have to make sure I'm doing both P90X and my Pilates extreme in the morning, so this is the only day that is going to be a rough.

Week 5 coming up

So after coming back home from mass today I realize this week is Ash Wednesday (February 18th) and that means no meat Fridays. So as I'm getting all my meal prep done today getting my 21 day fix extreme meal plan all planned out all my meals prepped, which I love doing on Sundays, I have noticed that this Friday my schedule isn't going to work because I can't eat meat on Fridays so I'm gonna have to revamp and I'm thinking of Vegetarian Burrito Bowls without the shell and quinoa instead of the rice. If you have any vegetarian recipes that you use please hit me up because I'm a need some more ideas I don't want to eat Fish for every single meal.

Do you practice during Lenten season? What are you giving up? What are you doing more of?

Results/transformation photos

Left pic from College at heaviest almost 200lbs, to last week 154lbs

I have some photos from before starting P90X three and that when I just kind of did a trial run of 21 day fix extreme preview days last week and just seen the difference in those three weeks is amazing my body is doing awesome I do admit I went out and had pizza with my friends on Wednesday after painting to conferences and had drinks on Thursday and I didn't feel bloated the next day but I got right back on track the next day and you know when you have the urge with Valentine's Day and chocolate, I had some dark chocolate açai brookside brand and curbed that craving. So yes I still go out to eat with my friends and yes I have bad days but I don't want to give me down I start off brand-new the next day and continue going from there if I continue to dwell, I'm never going to move forward so oh well I ate pizza because the next day I am back on track. It's all about portion control and just feeling your body feeling what's right for it and getting to know what you can and can't do.

So this week I'm going to be posting a few of my recipes that I use some go to things that I love to have on hand in a quick easy meals to make and I don't want to see you guys however he decorated my room and my living room so stay tuned for some more post this weekend let me know if you have any questions about how to get started and you're ready to get to a healthier lifestyle. It's never too late to start eating you just got a believe you can do it and I'll be there to back you up.
Sneak peak at my purchases at Hobby Lobby!

Here's to the next 21 days let's go to the extreme! If you want in my group or future groups message me at or head to my fitness page Fit Path to Healthy

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