Sunday, March 8, 2015

Round 1 21 Day fix Extreme Done!!

Round 1 is DONE!!!

Why do I love beach body so much? Because they actually help you PROVE to yourself that YOU can do anything you set your mind to and HELP you reach your goals with hard work and sweat. They don't give you a magic pill, but a direction to go for success! They are also so rewarding and give back to their customers tenfold! Why not be part of a business like that!!

So I just finished around one of 21 day fix extreme and I am a proud of my results however I feel like if I would've definitely honed in on my nutrition a lot more my results could've been greater and I could feel a lot more happier. However I do know that what I put into it is what I'm going to get out of it and I did work a a lot I didn't do good on my nutrition but life happens I had a baby shower and I wasn't going to to say no to pizza I just have to learn to make healthier choices my going out to eat and I have it and it's all thanks to 21 day fix I am so proud of myself and how far I've come in learning how to do better for myself. 

-4lbs & -4" all over, more to come round 2! 
As I finish up with round one I do love the workouts and they definitely are extreme and I'm gonna push myself even harder for this round two I'm starting tomorrow and I'm pumped. I have people that have reached out to me because they see me being consistent and focusing on my portion control and getting a workout done each day and I like how do you do it and I'm like I planet in as if I planned anything else in and 30 minutes of my day is nothing it is nothing and you can do it too!

So I kind about my P90X three on the back burner and I'm kind of sad because I love love love P90X three it is an amazing program and my muscles are definitely starting to show I did a tiny tiny tiny pull up where I jumped up in my chin up to the bar and I'm so proud of myself for that little progress. Any kind of progress is progress and you need to enjoy those little Tryan and it just keep going ahead keep focusing forward and don't look back because you're not going backwards it going forward. So I thought around two tomorrow Monday, March 19 I am going to kick it into gear and to get P90X three Brolley my month to as I've kind of falling off that and I'm going to take it to town for the next 21 days I'm not giving and I know I can do this and I have a lot of friends that will hold me accountable to this so here's to the next 21 days!!
Do you want to join me? Do you have what it takes? I know you do! Message me for more details about how to get started on this awesome 21 days till your new body and healthier lifestyle!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

What is a coach? Why do it?


What is a Beachbody coach? Why should I listen to you? How do you know what's best for me? Are you for real?

I get these questions often and know they plague a person's mind when thinking about how to get healthy. I am NOT an expert and DO NOT claim to be one, rather I am a normal person with a goal of being fit and living a healthier lifestyle.

My story: 
why I became a coach

The idea of having a better discount on workout programs and shakeology definitely peaked my interest. I wanted to earn a little bit of money on the side and thought if I could workout and earn money why not. I started thinking I'd immediately encourage others and they'd want to be on the same journey as me. I realized that when I started I was not completely ready and needed to continue to mold myself into who I had the desire to become, better and healthier. Well why not improve my own health and help myself to become more aware of what I do and put into my body, easier said than done.

Pops and me at his 1st ever 5k. Signed up for 2 miles and he walked all 3!!
I was used to working out and actually loved it, but when it came to showing results I had little to none. I couldn't figure it out and was SUPER upset on why I could work so hard and not have anything to show for it. I was sick of no results and wanted others to see me be successful that when I failed, I gave up. I got envious and thought, "There are so many other people that can do this, why can't I?" I was so worried to compare myself to others and real havoc on myself when I couldn't compete with them. I was sick of jumping up sizes in clothes, had to keep adding to my closet because my own clothes wouldn't fit. I was so self-conscious and would wear sweats most of the time rather than real pants. I admit even in this position I have given up, tried to show/have results that weren't there and that's because I was jealous of how others could do it and get AWESOME results and I am just sitting here on the back wall with jaw wide open. I gave up on myself, my plan, my work, and tried to blame everyone but ME. I want to feel completely confident in my body and not just work to cover it up.

Hitting a wall

After hitting all the plateaus, walls, obstacles and challenges I hit bottom. I thought I can't do this why even try. I saw coaching as a way to learn to be a motivator; to learn to encourage others to live an active lifestyle; to learn to eat healthy and control the most abused drug: FOOD! I saw it as an opportunity to help my family and to give insight on how to become more healthy and stay away from daunting statistics of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, etc. I am not saying that the last 6 months or so has been a cake walk. I started with a mindset I wasn't ready for and have had to learn through my own process how to manage my career and lifestyle. I have had to learn to say no to past desires: alcohol, sweets, junk food. I now have them in moderation and have learned to control it. Yes some days are worse than others, but I do not deprive myself nor do I beat myself up for it. 

This opportunity to be a Beachbody coach and be part of a team of people who love to reward their body and encourage/motivate others is amazing. I am not one to push push and push until I sell something, rather share my own story and get to know the person. I want to learn that process better and as I am improving myself people are watching and taking notice. I read personal development and learn how to focus my mind, body, and soul towards my goal. When you are ready you will find that coach/person to be there for you; to help you with your own journey. I am blessed to have such a great MisFIT Family and to be on this team and continuous learning path with them. 

Think it over

So give it a thought. Do you have what it takes to be a coach? Do you want to learn how to develop your own healthy mind and lifestyle? Do you want to MOTIVATE and INSPIRE others who are waiting for that person to push them and back them up?Would you like the support of thousands of people like you? Are you ready for that summer body and need that person to hold you accountable? Are you looking for a new workout program you can do at home? 

I am here for whichever one you want. Take your time! You're future self is preparing your present self for what AWESOME things are before you! Email me at, visit here to check out my continuous journey, or visit my Team Beachbody page to check it out. 

Taking it to the Extreme

Week 1 of 21 day fix Extreme! 

This week has been awesome, hard, but awesome! I tested out a few of the workouts last week and lets just say Holy buckets, I was in for a whirlwind of butt kicking. But guess what I LOVE IT! I am on day 5 today and did my Cardio Fix extreme this morning. I have really enjoyed my morning workouts and how it gets me prepared for the day. Monday and Wednesday, tonight and tomorrow I will be doing my P90x3 workouts too. With Zumba Mon-Wed and volleyball I was a little exhausted adding in X3, so I scaled back a bit. I don’t want to quit it because it continues to challenge me and I AM GOING to do a Pull up! 

21 day fix extreme is the sequel to the original program and it focuses on portion control and how to focus in on your eating. I can workout for a long time and feel good, but if I don’t eat good and FUEL my body I am not going to get the results that I would like. My goal is to do my meal plan for the 1st round of this program and then make sure that I plan ahead for next 2 weeks. I have been doing good this week, but forgot that Wednesday and Friday were no meat days and had to readjust my meal plan for that purpose, but chose Vegetarian Burrito bowls to fill that up and fish! I'll get more into the workouts in next post, so stay tuned!

Fish Fry Season is Here!

Today being Friday that makes it a FISH day! I will probably go to a fish fry one Friday, but will be A-OK with it because I will just eat fish inside and not the batter part. I know it’s not ideal, but that way I can still keep mostly on track and still be social. :) I don’t go out to eat often anyways, so when I can think of a way to go and maintain the healthy eating I do! Don’t give up everything! Biggest thing I have learned while doing this program is how to manage my eating when going out. Not everything is perfect, but way better than before and I listen to my body rather than just feed feed feed when I don't need to. 

Here's to the weekend. My plans are pretty simple. Bartending on Saturday night and meal prep Sunday. What are you doing this weekend? What meals will you prepare for week ahead?

If you are ready to get started with this bomb workout and meal plan visit here or message me ( for details!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Where did the time go?!

So I'm very sorry for not doing last week it was a crazy week with parent teacher conference is and I totally spaced out so here is my recap for week three and week four.

Week 4

So because of parent-teacher conferences I was at school from 730 to 8 at night I honestly did not get my workout done besides yoga Wednesday morning and Thursday I didn't work out so I'm a little bit behind so I'm gonna redo week 4 for for P90X3. 

I just can't get over this program though I really really love it and I can see I am getting biceps I am getting muscles hooray! Shouting off the top of the mountains! And I am so close to a pull up on my own. I can jump up on my bar in almost get my chin up, but I can hold myself a little bit longer than normal so I am going to get there soon within a month hopefully I can do my pull-up. 

It's the little triumphs!

So I've been getting in the routine of doing my workouts in the morning, 5:30am. 21 day fix Extreme came out and I ordered it and I got it two weeks ago, so I am so behind this week because I tested out a few of those exercises and tried to do it with my P90X3 and it wasn't that bad so I was pretty proud of myself.

Crazy schedules

My normal schedule for Mondays and Wednesdays are pretty crazy because I teach Zumba at the local YMCA and now I'm doing Tuesdays also.

5:30am: 21 day fix, then go to school come home workout P90X three go to the Y and do Zumba!

Tuesdays now
Do workouts (should be doing both now) in the morning, home after teaching go to Zumba (4:30-5:15) come home do my P90X workout. I admit the Agility X on Tuesdays has kind of been lacking because I'm tired by the time I get home, so I'll have to do it in the mornings too.

Wednesday is my full day because I get up in the morning I do yoga and go to school which is awesome because yoga makes me feel so good to have the day! Then I come home after teaching an afterschool club till 5 o'clock, go to Zumba (5:30-6:30) go play volleyball after Zumba. So Wednesday's are pretty packed and I have to make sure I'm doing both P90X and my Pilates extreme in the morning, so this is the only day that is going to be a rough.

Week 5 coming up

So after coming back home from mass today I realize this week is Ash Wednesday (February 18th) and that means no meat Fridays. So as I'm getting all my meal prep done today getting my 21 day fix extreme meal plan all planned out all my meals prepped, which I love doing on Sundays, I have noticed that this Friday my schedule isn't going to work because I can't eat meat on Fridays so I'm gonna have to revamp and I'm thinking of Vegetarian Burrito Bowls without the shell and quinoa instead of the rice. If you have any vegetarian recipes that you use please hit me up because I'm a need some more ideas I don't want to eat Fish for every single meal.

Do you practice during Lenten season? What are you giving up? What are you doing more of?

Results/transformation photos

Left pic from College at heaviest almost 200lbs, to last week 154lbs

I have some photos from before starting P90X three and that when I just kind of did a trial run of 21 day fix extreme preview days last week and just seen the difference in those three weeks is amazing my body is doing awesome I do admit I went out and had pizza with my friends on Wednesday after painting to conferences and had drinks on Thursday and I didn't feel bloated the next day but I got right back on track the next day and you know when you have the urge with Valentine's Day and chocolate, I had some dark chocolate açai brookside brand and curbed that craving. So yes I still go out to eat with my friends and yes I have bad days but I don't want to give me down I start off brand-new the next day and continue going from there if I continue to dwell, I'm never going to move forward so oh well I ate pizza because the next day I am back on track. It's all about portion control and just feeling your body feeling what's right for it and getting to know what you can and can't do.

So this week I'm going to be posting a few of my recipes that I use some go to things that I love to have on hand in a quick easy meals to make and I don't want to see you guys however he decorated my room and my living room so stay tuned for some more post this weekend let me know if you have any questions about how to get started and you're ready to get to a healthier lifestyle. It's never too late to start eating you just got a believe you can do it and I'll be there to back you up.
Sneak peak at my purchases at Hobby Lobby!

Here's to the next 21 days let's go to the extreme! If you want in my group or future groups message me at or head to my fitness page Fit Path to Healthy

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 2 in the books

#2 DONE and in the BOOKS

Well week 2 of P90x3 is done and in the books! I have to admit that I am super pumped with how it is helping me improve my form for lifting, working at getting one full pullup done and how easy it is to eat clean. I admit on the weekend I will have a drink and a burger or so, but when I am full I just know how to stop now. It didn't just happen over night learning how to eat right, but through 21 day fix.  So before I share about this week of P90x3 I just want to say how excited I am with today, February 2nd!! Why you may is the release of 21 day fix extreme!! This new program is going to get your body in that shape you want with a SIMPLE eating plan, clean ingredients and only 30 MINUTES per workout. You want this program before it sells out? This first program sold out 3 times!! Head here to get it. 

P90x3 Week 2

Ok so week 2 is done and week 3 begins today. What better way to start off this week than with a SNOW DAY! 
Yes being a teacher snow days are precious, even if I have to make it up at the end of the year. Alright lets get to the program. This week was great. Each day I feel better and with my meals already planned out I feel way more prepared and less stressed out with the thought of making food. 

I am very proud of myself for this! 

Before doing T25 with Shaun T prior to P90x3 I could not do a real full push-up. I have definitely improved in my own skill and hope to bump my own numbers up on the challenge day. On another note the fact of a pull-up is what I am working up towards. What I do is use a chair and as I hang, I pull myself up. It is a challenge too as I try to reach my numbers. It may look as if I am only doing a pull up with no effort, but as I hang I am pulling up half of my body which is more than I could do before. I feel as though my full pull up will be coming soon. 1/2 body weight is better than none. I did do the bands the first week for pull ups and that is a GREAT alternative if you don't have a chin up bar. 

Hardest workout this week?
I still think that the challenge is 'challenging'. You are to write down your numbers and try to reach them for the entire workout. I am working to bump my numbers up as well as having good form and maintaining that as I do pushups and what not. I bumped up my pushups by 2 this week and when I finished before the time was up I worked at squeezing in one or two more!
After 2 weeks = no bloating!

Meal plan for Week 2

Questions for you

I am looking for strategies to help improve my workout results and how to improve my own body/nutrition. I want to ask questions to you all to see what you do. So until next week #3 feel free to comment or message me with some answers. :)

What workout plan are you doing? 
How did you work up to get a pullup? 
What snacks are your favorite in your meal plan? 
When do you do food prep? 
How do you stay on track? 
What are things that are challenging you? 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

P90x3 Week 1. Done

Hello to all!
I am writing this post from Good 'ol land of Nebraska. I am not new to blogging; however I have had spurts of interest and then I'll get busy and forget. The few blogs I have kept have been about my travels and also of my first years as a teacher. This blog will be different as it will deal with my own path towards being a better/healthier me and each challenge I meet on the way.

Like I said in my 'Who am I?' I am a beach body coach. I have been since July and am still working at getting my feet in the water. I have done many different programs myself and have encouraged some to join this journey, but as with everything new I am still processing it and trying to manage it into my schedule. In order to be successful I need to make time to plan, do my professional development and just be myself in this business. There is nothing worse than someone who SELLS the product rather than shares stories and is only out there for the $.

Any who, so I have done a several programs from beach body and admit each one is different in its own way and yet never fails to kick my butt. I started with Hip hop abs on my own, 21 day fix, T25, and now P90x3! Oh and that amazing shakeology that fuels my body after such hard workouts. Do you know what's even better? Each workout is only 30 minutes!! There is no complaint that can be made for 25-30 minute workouts. That's what attracted me! I do admit I will be putting P90x3 on pause in after month 1 because 21 day fix EXTREME is being released in 8 days and I can't wait. I have seen so many results and can't wait to go be EXTREME!

My results with my first round of 21 day fix

So this is my first program with Tony Horton and I do have to admit he is HILARIOUS!! He makes the funniest jokes. I wanted to do P90x3 because I wanted to tone up and get more muscle on my body and if I just need 30 minutes, well I'm all for that! I have lifted before and loved the feeling I had of myself when I was more toned. So of course when I was trying to figure out what program to do next after T25 I had to ask around and P90x3 was the consensus! There are 4 different plans one can follow: Classic (recommended for beginners), Lean (get more lean and toned), Mass (get bulked up!), and finally Doubles (only recommended after a completed round of P90x3). So here I am done with week 1 of classic and ready to start week 2 tomorrow!

Week 1 in the books

Week 1 was not as I though it would be. I thought I wouldn't be able to do many of the workouts, but oh man thanks T25 I can do full out pushups!! I still have to modify here and there, but my endurance has definitely increased! Main goal for P90x3...Do 1 full pull up.
I didn't have the chin up bar last week, so I used my bands, but that was still a workout! Well good news, it just came and I put it together, but do not have a drill to put it on my wall, so I will have to get a friend to come do that for me so I can get started!

Day 1: Total Synergistics
Full body resistant workout with balance, squats, and ab workout. How long did it take? 30 MINUTES!!

Day 2: Agility X
This workout was one of my favorites this week. This workout you are supposed to lay tape out on the floor and that is your guide to the steps. Well having carpet and no tape that was a bit of a no brainer to use something else; socks. I laid out socks as my markers and found out it worked well. I like this workout because I like testing my quickness side to side, front to back and just all around movement.

Day 3: Yoga
Lets just say waking up in the am to do this before off to teach for the day = best decision! I was sore from the first two days actually as well as my other activities throughout the week, Zumba teacher and volleyball, I was so happy to do the Yoga. It was not a slow yoga practice, but the pace got you awake and it set me at ease for the day. I think Wednesday was the best day this week and the yoga definitely helped.

Day 4: The Challenge
HELLO Pushups!! Hello Pull ups. So I didn't have my bar yet, so I did use the band and I still got a GREAT workout just that way. This workout you challenge yourself to how many pushups/pull ups you can do each round of the various types. I know I will increase by 2 next time, but know not to have a big head as you do A LOT of them. I will say those 30 minutes went fast and I definitely earned my dinner.

Day 5: CVX
Cardio day mixed with a little bit of resistant intervals

Day 6: Warrior
The workout is dedicated to the soldiers and other public service workers. It was a warrior in the sense that you felt BA when you finished!

So how do I feel after week 1? I feel great! I need to keep my head focused as with most people that plateau starts to come up in week 2/3 and I want to kick that plateau back where it comes from when it tries to get to me. I am ready for week 2 tomorrow and just need to get my food ready.

Nutrition Plan

Like most programs it has a set meal/nutrition plan to help get the best results and to TEACH how to eat healthy and treat your body well. After doing the 21 day fix I have learned how to portion my food better and know what is good for me and what isn't. I read labels at the store now and walk on the outside of the aisles to avoid temptations. Now don't get me wrong I don't deprive myself of things I want (Friday I had a cheeseburger with sweet potato fries), but I make sure to not punish myself and not miss my workouts before or after it. I feel that if I continue to deprive myself I will only want it more!

The list of foods/recipes that are in the nutrition guide that comes along is SUPER easy to follow and easy to prepare. I love having food prepared already when I get home to avoid overeating/eating junk.

I think the biggest challenge for me was getting enough water in daily, should be drinking 1/2 your weight in ounces. I had really tight calves this week and could tell that I was lacking some water.

So as this program goes on (including break for 21 Day Fix EXTREME) I will work to update to let you all know my results/progress/ups&downs.

If you'd like to get more information on what beach body is, does and or some of our awesome programs/products, feel free to email me:

Countdown to 21 Day Fix EXTREME = 8 DAYS!!

Who am I? ¿Quién soy yo?

Hola! ¿Quién soy yo? Who am I?

Well isn't that a question we all ask ourselves every so often as we forget our way and our purpose. I, myself, have asked this question more than once. Being young I am prone to wondering who I am and what my purpose is. Let me share with you what I know.

My name is Kimberly Wirries. I am 24 years old and originally from Up North! I lived in North Dakota the majority of my life and moved later to Minnesota which I claims my home. I attended college in South Dakota, Northern State University--Go Wolves!!, and have found my way to Nebraska. The temperature/climate is a lot nicer the farther south I go, for sure!, and with my job as a Spanish Teacher I have the great opportunity to practice my Spanish any time I would like! Imagine that: teaching what I love all day, living in a community that is 1/2 Spanish speaking and continuing to grow in my professional career, WOW!

So besides my professional career lets get to some more personal details about me! I am a very active person and love to adventure. I have traveled abroad to Santiago Chile for 6 months to study Spanish, Merida Mexico and last summer to Lima Peru! I crave traveling. I love the idea of venturing out into the VAST world and seeing what our creator has made! I have only touched the tip of the iceberg of some of the world wonders, Macchu Picchu, and have so much desire to go see more!

I currently teach middle schoolers and am the 8th grade volleyball head coach and 7th grade girls basketball coach. I am a Zumba instructor at the local YMCA, play volleyball at the Y, and in my spare time on weekends I bartend. I love hanging out with friends and as anyone knows, friends can have fun with little to nothing and still be entertained. :) Among this I am a beach body coach.

Now at first I didn't know a lot about beach body, but as I saw more and more information about it and more people I was getting to know talk about it, it peaked my interest. I signed up for a coach at the beginning in order to get a discount and to learn how to inspire others as well as myself to be a better me. I have struggled with body issues in the past and fears of health issues that are in my family. I am determined to make more healthy/mindful choices in the future and through beach body I have already started to make a difference. I started with Hip hop abs, OMgosh super fun workout, signed up to coach with 21 day fix (best idea ever with portion containers) and now am in the process of P90x3 program. I will have to put a pause of this new program because in 8 short days 21 Day Fix EXTREME is coming out and since I loved the 1st program and saw results I want to put the new one to the test. I will continue to talk about beach body in the future as it has become a new thing in my life and I continue to learn and grow each day.

As I am walking this path with many others on a journey to answer the question, Who am I, I continue to learn something new each day, I seek out new adventure and try to improve myself in ways that I can.

If you'd like more information on beachbody products or anything else let me know